Sunday 12 May 2013

Comparison of the Key elements of Modernism and Postmodernism

Today i will compare the key elements of Modernism and Postmodernism in a table format.
Challenge the normal way of operating.
Breakdown of social norms and cultural sureties.
Authority figures are not to be trusted because of their loyalty to the establishment and different beliefs in moral truths.
Disorder of meaning and sense from its normal context.
Change comes with believing that truth is subjective and that it’s something that shouldn’t be generally acknowledged.
Valorisation of the hopeless person in the face of an unmanageable future.
Opinions are what matter. Provided that the opinion is backed up, it can be accepted as the best explanation.
Rejection of history and the replacement of a mythical past.
Rejects the idea of nationalism, it drives nations into conflict with each other. Internationalism makes sure that we’re looking out for the greater good.
 Product of the metropolis, of cities and urban scopes.
Believe in equality for all, regardless of race, sexual orientation, class or religion.
Sense of consciousness
Disapprove of the idea of individual ownership. It would be most fair if we divided and distributed goods as a group.
Overwhelming technological changes.

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