Sunday 7 April 2013

South African Concetual Design

In this post i will be discussing three posters designed with concern to south africa and the problems that persist in South Africa.
 Fig. 2
The problem that they are addressing in Fig 1. is the slaughter of rhinos and they are promoting this in a clever way, they are referring to the fact that you cannot strap on a horn to another animal and pretend it is a rhino. The viewer is being made aware of that once the all the rhinos are extinct they are gone and you cannot replace them.
The problem that is being addressed in Fig 2.  is the abuse of children by their fathers. They are showing that the father can be helpful to his children as well as kind and passionate by him exhausting his body by carrying them in a wheel barrow. We are being made aware of how a father should act towards his children.
The problem we are being made aware of in Fig 3. is HIV and AIDS. This design shows that the virus is the red dominos while you are the white domino and with a condom it can prevent the virus from entering your body. The idea being promoted is that you should use a condom during sexual intercourse to prevent you from contracting the virus and we are being made aware of that protection is key.

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